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 hays wala paring nakakasagot ng palaisipan na to...eto pa ohhh

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Number of posts : 21
Registration date : 2008-12-05

hays wala paring nakakasagot ng palaisipan na to...eto pa ohhh Empty
PostSubject: hays wala paring nakakasagot ng palaisipan na to...eto pa ohhh   hays wala paring nakakasagot ng palaisipan na to...eto pa ohhh EmptySat Dec 06, 2008 5:39 am

There was a loud knock at the door late one Sunday evening at the home of William and Janet Garner. William answered the door to a man who introduced himself as Detective Greg Nelson of the Los Angeles Police Department and informed William, “I’m afraid that your brother-in-law was found brutally murdered this afternoon.” William gasped, “Oh my god! Poor Ben, who could have done such a terrible thing, my wife will be devastated.”

William invited Detective Nelson inside and went to awaken his wife, Janet, who had gone to bed early with a headache. When Janet heard the news, she became hysterical, and the doctor was called to administer a sedative. Detective Nelson asked them to come to his office the following morning to make statements.

When William and Janet arrived at police headquarters the following morning, they were shown into Greg Nelson’s office. “Have either of you any idea as to who had a motive?” Nelson asked. “It certainly appears that Ben knew his killer.”

William looked over at Janet, “There’s my sister Elizabeth’s husband, Arthur. He’s a really weird guy and has threatened Ben during the many arguments they’ve had.” Janet wiped away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks and said quietly, “There’s my other brother, Peter, but he and Ben were very close. In any case, Peter is out of town at the moment.”

William leaned forward in his seat, “Of course, there is Uncle Lawrence. He always said that Ben wished him dead so that he could get his hands on his money and he was convinced that Ben was trying to kill him. Come to think of it, cousin Philip owed Ben a lot of money, and Ben threatened him with violence if the didn’t pay up.”

“I’ve heard enough,” interjected Inspector Nelson. “It’s obvious to me that you, William Garner, committed the murder and I am placing you under arrest.”

How did Inspector Nelson come to this conclusion?
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Number of posts : 15
Age : 31
Registration date : 2009-01-01

hays wala paring nakakasagot ng palaisipan na to...eto pa ohhh Empty
PostSubject: Re: hays wala paring nakakasagot ng palaisipan na to...eto pa ohhh   hays wala paring nakakasagot ng palaisipan na to...eto pa ohhh EmptySat Jan 03, 2009 1:15 am

yay! wla ngang nkasagot ihhh...
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hays wala paring nakakasagot ng palaisipan na to...eto pa ohhh
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